The Winery Museum

Le Languedoc-Roussillon, avec plus de 200 000 hectares de vignes, reste le plus grand vignoble du monde en superficie et un fabuleux terrain de découverte pour les amateurs. La restructuration entamée il y a maintenant près d’un demi-siècle a vu l’émergence d’appellations d’origines contrôlées et grand cru de grande teneur. 

Programme de l’atelier

  • started by discovering the different stages of tasting, and you continue on the different components of wine to understand the balance of a wine.

  • Then comes the play of smells. Depending on the nose, you will not smell the same perfumes but it is a perfect workshop to develop your olfactory sense.

  • You are now mobilizing the sense of taste with the tasting of different wines. In the mouth, the primary then secondary aromas are released, offering very varied sensations.

  • The workshop ends around the theme of wine conservation: will you be able to judge the aging potential of a wine?